Go-2-Voicemail lets you send someone a voicemail without worrying about them answering the phone.
* Short on time?
* Need to call-in sick but dont want to talk to the boss?
* Driving and cant email or text?
Then you need Go-2-Voicemail! Uses the "slydial" service*, which connects you to the persons voicemail.
+ Dial by Contact - select a contact from your address book to send a voicemail
+ Dial by Keypad - know the phone number? Simply enter it to connect to their voicemail
Note: when using slydials free service, there will be short ads to listen to before connecting you to the persons voicemail. If youd like to bypass the ads and go directly to their voicemail, you need to sign-up for slydials paid service. See slydials web site for more details.
** Works with U.S. 10-digit phone numbers only. Also requires an iPhone, and the Show Caller-ID setting on your iPhone must be enabled. Does not work with pre-paid mobile phones. Please check slydials web site for additional details and restrictions.
*** Want to dial-by-voice? Check-out Go-2-Voicemail Premium! No ad banners, and enables you to voice-dial a contact from your address book to leave them a voicemail!
* slydial is a service owned and operated by Mobilesphere, Ltd. and is a proprietary trademark of Mobilesphere. This app is not owned or directly affiliated with slydial or Mobilesphere.
* If experiencing difficulties connecting to someones voicemail, please refer to the above requirements, and also to the slydial web site for further hints and tips.
** Also, you may wish to try adjusting the Dial Delay setting in the app to increase the delay to ensure your call works properly.